ICA Integrated Computer Studies

Daily assignments for Integrated Computer Studies with Mr. Woods Periods 3, 5 and 6.

Friday, February 27

Internet Challenge

1) President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2)Take today's New York Times New Quiz. Type out your answers in MS Word and submit for credit.


Typing Project Sheet

Continue working on your Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

Thursday, February 26

Internet Challenge

President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Radar images are used to illustrate where rain is falling on a map. Find one radar image from today. Paste it into MS Word. Then:
Explain the image in 4 sentences.
Write the source of the image (where did it come from)
When was the image taken.


Typing Project Sheet

Continue working on your Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

Wednesday, February 25

Internet Challenge

President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Radar images are used to illustrate where rain is falling on a map. Find one radar image from today. Paste it into MS Word. Then:
Explain the image in 4 sentences.
Write the source of the image (where did it come from)
When was the image taken.


Typing Project Sheet

Continue working on your Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

Tuesday, February 24

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Answer the question "Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?"

Where can you find a him on the ICA campus?
(Your answer should be a least an 8 sentence typed)


Typing Project Sheet

Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

Monday, February 23

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Answer the question "Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?"
Where can you find a him on the ICA campus?
(Your answer should be a least an 8 paragraph typed)


Typing Project Sheet

Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

Friday, February 20

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Go to the SF Gate Day In Picturesweb page. View all 11 photographs from the past 48 hours.
Choose one of the photographs that you feel is most interesting.
Copy the photograph to a MS Word Document where you will write a complete (8 Sentence Paragraph) about why you chose the photo you did.

Class Work

Today you will need to research jobs available to people who work with databases.
Use job search sites like Career Builider.com, Monster.com to research the following jobs:

1) Data Enty

2) Database Engineer

3) Database Administrator

4) Database Quality Assurance

Do a seach for each of the jobs above at the Job Finding websites.
Look at several jobs available and report the following information.

A) Number of jobs available (how many came up in your search)

B) What is the annual salary?

C) Which companies have these jobs available?

Once you have all of this information you will need to use MS Word to report your findings.
See the example below:

1) Data Enty:
A) Data enty: 45 jobs found
B) 35,000-40,000 per year
C) Oracle, IBM, Disney

Thursday, February 19

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Go to the SF Gate Day In Picturesweb page. View all 11 photographs from the past 48 hours.
Choose one of the photographs that you feel is most interesting.
Copy the photograph to a MS Word Document where you will write a complete (8 Sentence Paragraph) about why you chose the photo you did.
Take time to think about your reasons for selecting the photograph. I will not accept answers like "because I felt like it"

Class Work
Typing Test-
Today we will test you on your ability to type.
25 wpm= 5
<24 = 4 pts
<23= 3 pts
<20= 0 pts

Wednesday, February 18

Internet Challenge

1) Start today by doing the New York Times News Quiz. Write it on a seperate sheet of paper and turn it in.

2) Update your activity for the President's Challenge web site.

Class Work

1) Introduction to MS Access.
As a class we will design an address book database. You will use the database sheet (to be handed out) as a template for setting up the address book's field .

2) Open MS Access from your Programs menu.

3) Save your new database file as "Name-addresses" in the Student R drive--->Woods 5th or 6th-----> Contact folder

Tuesday, February 17

Internet Challenge

1) Start today by doing the New York Times News Quiz. Write it on a seperate sheet of paper and turn it in.

2) Update your activity for the President's Challenge web site.

Class Work

1) Introduction to MS Access.
As a class we will design an address book database. You will use the database sheet (to be handed out) as a template for setting up the address book's field .

2) Open MS Access from your Programs menu.

3) Save your new database file as "Name-addresses" in the Student R drive--->Woods 3rd-----> Addresses folder

Friday, February 13

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Go to the SF Gate Day In Picturesweb page. View all 11 photographs from the past 48 hours.
Choose one of the photographs that you feel is most interesting.
Copy the photograph to a MS Word Document where you will write a complete (8 Sentence Paragraph) about why you chose the photo you did.
Take time to think about your reasons for selecting the photograph. I will not accept answers like "because I felt like it"

Class Work
You will be creating Valentine' Day cards using MS Word.

Get into groups of 2 or 3.
Start with a plane sheet of paper.
Then figure out in your group a method for creating a two-fold Valentine's day card using the flip side of the paper (Use two sided copying).
You will be using MS. Word.

Your card shoudl have a greeting , clip art or pictures, and a message on the inside of the card.

Every person in the class should have at least one card. Save your cards as "yourname card" in the R://STUDENT DATA------>WOODS 6th---------->VALENTINES DAY folder.

I will print out your cards in color as you complete them.

Thursday, February 12

Internet Challenge

1) The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Go to the SF Gate Day In Picturesweb page. View all 11 photographs from the past 48 hours.
Choose one of the photographs that you feel is most interesting.
Copy the photograph to a MS Word Document where you will write a complete (8 Sentence Paragraph) about why you chose the photo you did.
Take time to think about your reasons for selecting the photograph. I will not accept answers like "because I felt like it"

Class Work
You will be creating Valentine' Day cards using MS Word.

Get into groups of 2 or 3.
Start with a plane sheet of paper.
Then figure out in your group a method for creating a four-fold Valentine's day card.
You will be using MS. Word.

Your card shoudl have a greeting , clip art or pictures, and a message on the inside of the card.

Every person in the class should have at least one card. Save your cards as "yourname card" in the R://STUDENT DATA------>WOODS 3rd---------->VALENTINES DAY folder.

I will print out your cards in color as you complete them.

Wednesday, February 11

Internet Challenge
The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) You will need to make an international call to the following cities (see below). You job is to find the international calling codes for dialing from the United States to:

1) Paris, France

2) Belize City, Belize

3) Bangkok, Thailand

4) Dublin, Ireland

5) Tanger (Tangiers), Morocco

Write down you answers on a sheet of paper and turn them in before class is over.

Class Work

1) Typing Test
Take the next 15 minutes to practice typing page 75 and 76 in your typing books.
You will be graded on how fast you can type.
>25 words/ minute = 5 pts
20-24 words/ minute = 3 pts
19> = 0 pts

2) Travel Plans
2) Next you will book flights to the the cities that you called in the Internet Challege. You will need to turn in the price of the round trip ticket, the itnerary and the dates of your travels. You must have all 5 trips completed inorder to get credit for the assignment.

Tuesday, February 10

Internet Challenge

You will need to make an international call to the following cities (see below). You job is to find the international calling codes for dialing from the United States to:

1) Paris, France

2) Belize City, Belize

3) Bangkok, Thailand

4) Dublin, Ireland

5) Tanger (Tangiers), Morocco

Write down you answers on a sheet of paper and turn them in before class is over.

Class Work

1) Today you will need to use this time to finish your college mail merge project.
Before class is finished you will need to turn in your 1 copy of your merged form letter.

2) Next you will book flights to the the cities that you called in the Internet Challege. You will need to turn in the price of the round trip ticket, the itnerary and the dates of your travels. You must have all 5 trips completed inorder to get credit for the assignment.

If you finish both assignments grab the Typing Books and start the practice exercise in Lesson 12.

Thursday, February 5

Internet Challenge
The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Take today's New York Times News Quiz

3) What is a database? Your job is to define what a database is and write down 5 databases that you use on a regular basis.

Write both down on a half sheet of paper and turn in to Mr. Woods.

Class Work

Type your college form letter into MS Word. Once you have the letter typed, use the MAIL MERGE wizard to enter the form fields.

Print out only 1 copy of your merged file for credit.

When you finish- Grab your typing books and start typing Lesson 10.

Wednesday, February 4

Internet Challenge
The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Take today's New York Times News Quiz. As always, write down your score on a half-sheet of recycled paper.

Class Work

1) Open your college addresses.

2) Check the addresses over for spelling, punctuation and field placement. Remember that your addresses will import into MS Word exactly as they are typed in your Excel document.

3) Before printing:
Change the page layout to LANDSCAPE
Your name and period are in the HEADER
Use PRINT PREVIEW to make sure that your sheet prints on one page

4) Print out these Excel sheets and turn them in for credit.

5) When you finish grab a typing book and start typing the practice section in chapter 8
Remember to sit up right and start with your fingers on the home row.

Tuesday, February 3

Internet Challenge
The President's active Lifestyle program
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Take today's New York Times News Quiz. As always, write down your score on a half-sheet of recycled paper.

Class Work

1) Open your college addresses.

2) Check the addresses over for spelling, punctuation and field placement. Remember that your addresses will import into MS Word exactly as they are typed in your Excel document.

3) Before printing:
Change the page layout to LANDSCAPE
Your name and period are in the HEADER
Use PRINT PREVIEW to make sure that your sheet prints on one page

4) Print out these Excel sheets and turn them in for credit.

5) When you finish grab a typing book and start typing the practice section in chapter 8
Remember to sit up right and start with your fingers on the home row.

Monday, February 2

Internet Challenge
The President's Acitive Lifestyle Progam
1) Go to President's Challenge web site.

2) Take today's New York Times News Quiz. As always, write down your score on a half-sheet of recycled paper.

Class Work
Today we will start the next mail merge project where you will be requesting information serveral colleges.
Start by creating a new data sheet in MS Excel.

As a class we will brain storm the fields that you will need to set up your data sheet.

Take a look at the example.

We will be taking a trip the ICA library to get college information.