ICA Integrated Computer Studies

Daily assignments for Integrated Computer Studies with Mr. Woods Periods 3, 5 and 6.

Wednesday, March 31

3rd Period

Internet Challenge

Today complete the New York Times News Quiz. This assignment will not be collected.


Continue working on the post card assignment. DUE FRIDAY
Typing Lesson 2 and 3, Pages 106-109 DUE TODAY
Credit Card Assignment DUE FRIDAY

Tuesday, March 30

5th & 6th Periods

Internet Challenge

In a small typed paragraph, answer the question: Who was Alistair Cooke? Mention some of his career highlights and accomplishments.

Class Work
Continue working on the post card assignment. DUE THURSDAY
Typing Lesson 2 and 3, Pages 106-109 DUE TODAY
Credit Card Assignment DUE THURSDAY

Monday, March 29

3rd Period

Internet Challenge

Today you will be making post cards! Open and print the assignment sheet. Use two sided printing. (Print on both sides)
Fill out the Post Card planning sheet first! Then open MS Word and create your post card. You will need to use the DRAWING Toolbar to complete this project.
View the example here!

Class Work

Continue working on credit card assignment
Lesson 2 typing
Lesson 2-3 are due today.

Friday, March 26

5th and 6th Periods

Internet Challenge

Today you will be making post cards! Open and print the assignment sheet.

View the example here!

Class Work

Continue working on credit card assignment
Lesson 2 typing is due Monday
Lesson 3 is due Wed.

Thursday, March 25

3rd Period

Internet Challenge

Go to the Washington Post CameraWorks page. Choose one of available photos to write about.
You will write an 8 sentence paragraph describing why you think the photograph is interesting.
Your paper will be collected at the end of the period.


1) Finish working on your credit card assignment. DUE FRIDAY
2) If you have finished you other work you may start working on Lesson 2-5 pg. 106-112

Assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Lesson 2 of the typing project will be due Monday March 30th. Start work on this as you finish your work.

Wednesday, March 24

6th Period

Internet Challenge

Go to the Washington Post CameraWorks page. Choose one of available photos to write about.
You will write an 8 sentence paragraph describing why you think the photograph is interesting.
Your paper will be collected at the end of the period.


1) Finish working on your credit card assignment. DUE FRIDAY
2) If you have finished you other work you may start working on Lesson 2-5 pg. 106-112

Assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Lesson 2 of the typing project will be due Monday March 30th. Start work on this as you finish your work.

5th Period

Internet Challenge

Go to the Washington Post CameraWorks page. Choose one of available photos to write about.
You will write an 8 sentence paragraph describing why you think the photograph is interesting.
Your paper will be collected at the end of the period.


1) Complete Lesson 1 of your typing project. Pg. 103-106 DUE TODAY
2) Finish working on your credit card assignment. DUE FRIDAY
3) If you have finished you other work you may start working on Lesson 2-5 pg. 106-112

Tuesday, March 23

3rd Period

Special presentation today by Ms. Zelaya.

California Colleges


Princeton Review

Monday, March 22

5th & 6th Periods

Special presentation today by Ms. Zelaya.

Friday, March 19

3rd Period

Internet Challenge

Update your activity at President's Challenge website.

Class Work

Assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Lesson 2 of the typing project will be due Monday March 30th. Start work on this as you finish your work.

REMINDER: 3rd Quarter ENDS FRIDAY - Make up any missing assignments by FRIDAY.

Thursday, March 18

5th & 6th Period

Internet Challenge

1) Answer the SAT Question of the day. Write down (or type) your answer and submit.
2) Update your activity at President's Challenge website.

Class Work

Assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Lesson 2 of the typing project will be due Monday March 30th. Start work on this as you finish your work.

REMINDER: 3rd Quarter ENDS FRIDAY - Make up any missing assignments by FRIDAY.

Wednesday, March 17

3rd Period

Internet Challenge

1) Answer the SAT Question of the day. Write down (or type) your answer and submit.
2) Update your activity at President's Challenge website.

Class Work

assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Your Lesson 2 of the typing project will be due Monday March 29th. Start work on this as you finish your work.

Tuesday, March 16

6th Period

1) Complete the Lent Presentations

Class Work

assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

6th Period

5th & 6th Period

Internet Challenge

1) Answer the SAT Question of the day. Write down (or type) your answer and submit.
2) Update your activity at President's Challenge website.

Class Work

assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

Once you have selected you Card and completed your shopping, enter your balance and report your findings. Follow the links on the instruction sheet.

Typing Project Lesson 1 (pages 103-106) DUE TODAY

Thursday, March 11

Internet Challenge

1) Start today by going to the President's Challenge website and log your activity.

2) Take today's New York Times New Quiz. Print out ONLY the first page of the score sheet.

Class Work

assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.


1) Start the day out with a non-computer Internet Challenge.
Get into groups of 4 and choose a story from the newspaper (will be handed out). Work together to answer questions about who, when, where, why and how.

2) Present Lent Projects for rest of class.

Continue working on your Typing Projects

Wednesday, March 10

Internet Challenge

1) Start today by going to the President's Challenge website and log your activity.

2) Take today's New York Times New Quiz. Print out ONLY the first page of the score sheet.

Class Work

assignment: Choosing and Using a Credit Card

1) Go to the Credit Card Assignment Sheet, print it out and begin work.

2) Typing Assignment: Lesson 1 (pg. 103-106) DUE TODAY

Tuesday, March 9


First open your Lent Presentations on your computer.
Now click SAVE AS and save a copy of your presentation in the STUDENT R DRIVE----->WOODS 5th------> LENT FOLDER

Your project must be in this folder inorder to receive full credit.

R:\Woods 5th\LENT Project

Monday, March 8


First open your Lent Presentations on your computer.
Now click SAVE AS and save a copy of your presentation in the STUDENT R DRIVE----->WOODS 3RD------> LENT FOLDER

Your project must be in this folder inorder to receive full credit.

R:\Woods 3rd\LENT Project

Friday, March 5

Internet Challenge

1) President's active Lifestyle program
Go to President's Challenge web site.

2)Take today's New York Times New Quiz. Type out your answers in MS Word and submit for credit.

Class Work

Continue to work on your Lent Projects. THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO WORK ON YOUR LENT PROJECTS. 5th and 6th period classes will present on Tuesday March 9th.

If you have finished your Lent project, then start the typing project. Get your typing sheet from Mr. Woods.
Lesson 1 (page 103-106) will be collected Thursday March 11th. If you finish Lesson 1 early you may start on lesson 2 (pg. 107)

Thursday, March 4

Internet Challenge

Use the internet or today's paper to find the following election results:
In MS Word tell me whether the propositions passes or failed.
In your own words give a brief description of what the proposition will do.
Copy the address of the web site you use to find your information. SITE YOUR WORK!

1) Prop. 55

2) Prop. 56

3) Prop. 57

4) Prop. 58

5) Which Democrat will run against George Bush in November?

Class Work

Continue to work on your Lent Projects. THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO WORK ON YOUR LENT PROJECTS.

If you have finished your Lent project, then start the typing project. Get your typing sheet from Mr. Woods.

Wednesday, March 3

Internet Challenge

Use the internet or today's paper to find the following election results:
In MS Word tell me whether the propositions passes or failed.
In your own words give a brief description of what the proposition will do.
Copy the address of the web site you use to find your information. SITE YOUR WORK!

1) Prop. 55

2) Prop. 56

3) Prop. 57

4) Prop. 58

5) Which Democrat will run against George Bush in November?

Class Work

Continue to work on your Lent Projects. Be prepared to show your project this Friday.

Tuesday, March 2

Internet Challenge

1) Find you local polling location for today's election.
You answer should include the address or location of the polling station closest to your home address.
Please type this up and submit.

Class Work

Continue working on your Lent Project-
Click here for Lent Assignment Sheet

When you finish your Lent project, begin the Typing Project that starts on page 103 of the typing books. As you finish each lesson print out what you have typed and submit for a grade.